Zion Photo Directory Sign up for your individual/family photos for the photo directory Here!

Worship Assistant Sign-Ups

Here is where you sign-up to help with our weekly services. You can share your gifts in many ways.

Worship Assistants are needed for our services on Saturdays at 5:00pm, Sundays at 10:00am & Wednesdays at 6:00pm. The following volunteers are needed for each service:

  • Saturdays: Communion Server & Scripture Reader
  • Sundays: Communion Servers, Greeters & Scripture Reader
  • Wednesdays: Communion Servers, Scripture Reader & Ushers

To join an Usher Team or an Altar Guild Team (prepare communion & clean-up after worship) please contact the office.

If you have any questions about any of these positions, feel free to call the office (701-852-1872), email us at zlc@srt.com or talk with a pastor at one of the services.