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Children's Ministry (ages 0-5th grade)

Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at Zion

Kids Ministry at Zion

And Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." Matthew 19:14

At Zion Lutheran, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ and we welcome the sounds and activities that accompany them!

Littles: ages 0-4

Children: Preschool (age 4) - 5th Grade

Learn the songs & actions for upcoming Kids' Sabbath on 2/27

Church School is a growing and thriving ministry here at Zion. We have three church school sessions available: Sunday morning at 9:00 and Wednesdays at either 4:30 or 7:00 p.m. Classes are held throughout the school year.

Here at Zion, we use the Workshop Rotation Model for Church School. In a nutshell, the Workshop Rotation Model teaches major Bible stories and concepts through kid-friendly multimedia workshops: Art, Drama, Music, Games, A-V, Puppets, Storytelling and any other educational media we can get our hands on. We teach the same Bible story in all of the workshops for four to six weeks, rotating the kids to a different workshop each week. And here comes the extremely teacher friendly part: We keep the same teacher in each workshop for all five weeks teaching the same lesson week after week (with some age appropriate adjustments) to each new class coming in. After five weeks, all groups will have rotated through each workshop.

The kids are guided throughout the year by shepherds, who take attendance, help manage the kids and assist the workshop leaders if necessary. Each group has the same one or two shepherds throughout the year.

Volunteers are welcome to be a workshop leader, which is a short commitment of 4 or 5 weeks, or a church school shepherd who commits for the entire school year. To volunteer or find out more information about Church School at Zion, please contact Chris Torgeson (Education Director) education@srt.com or 701-852-1872.

Meet out Education Director

Chris Torgeson joined the Zion Lutheran Church leadership team in 2008 as the Education Director.

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